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    Francesco SELVAGGI

    Insegnamento di General Surgery

    Corso di laurea magistrale a ciclo unico in MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA

    SSD: MED/18

    CFU: 3,00


    Periodo di Erogazione: Annualità Singola


    Lingua di insegnamento



    The lessons will revisit aspects of anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology, with particular attention to the aspects of surgical interest, that is to say the correct therapeutic diagnostic process and differential diagnosis.
    Basic notions of surgical technique and notions on pre- and post-operative patient management will also be provided.

    Testi di riferimento

    General Surgery - Ellis I Calne Waltson

    Obiettivi formativi

    Le lezioni svolte hanno l'obiettivo di spiegare l'anatomia e la fisiopatologia chirurgica delle malattie di interesse chirurgico, con particolare attenzione alla diagnosi differenziale e all'iter diagnostico terapeutico delle patologie considerate.


    Aver superato gli esami propedeutici alla Chirurgia generale.

    Conoscenza di anatomia, fisiologia, fisiopatologia, medicina di laboratorio e diagnostica per immagini.

    Metodologie didattiche

    Lezioni frontali

    Metodi di valutazione

    Esame Orale

    Altre informazioni


    Programma del corso

    -Inquadramento clinico diagnostico del paziente chirurgico
    -Periodo preoperatorio
    -Principi di tecnica chirurgica
    -Complicanze postoperatorie
    -Infezioni chirurgiche
    -Nutrizione del paziente chirurgico
    -Immunobiologia chirurgica
    -Sindromi poliendocrine
    -Chirurgia bariatrica
    -Esofago e diaframma
    -Stomaco e duodeno
    -Parete addominale ed ernie
    -Cavità peritoneale
    -Colecisti e vie biliari
    -Milza e linfonodi
    -Intestino tenue
    -Malattie infiammatorie croniche intestinali


    Teaching language



    The lessons will revisit aspects of anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology, with particular attention to the aspects of surgical interest, that is to say the correct therapeutic diagnostic process and differential diagnosis.
    Basic notions of surgical technique and notions on pre- and post-operative patient management will also be provided.

    Textbook and course materials

    General Surgery - Ellis I Calne Waltson

    Course objectives

    The lectures have the aim of explaining the anatomy and surgical pathophysiology of diseases of surgical interest, with particular attention to the differential diagnosis and the therapeutic diagnostic process of the pathologies considered.


    Having passed the preparatory exams for General Surgery.

    Knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, laboratory medicine and diagnostic imaging.

    Teaching methods


    Evaluation methods

    Oral examination

    Other information


    Course Syllabus

    -Diagnostic clinical classification of the surgical patient
    -Preoperative period
    -Principles of surgical technique
    -Postoperative complications
    -Surgical infections
    -Nutrition of the surgical patient
    -Surgical immunobiology
    - Adrenals
    -Polyendocrine syndromes
    -Bariatric surgery
    - Esophagus and diaphragm
    -Stomach and duodenum
    -Abdominal wall and hernias
    -Peritoneal cavity
    -Colecyst and biliary tract
    -Spleen and lymph nodes
    -Small intestine
    -Chronic inflammatory bowel diseases

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