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    Giuseppe COLELLA

    Insegnamento di SENSE ORGAN DISEASES

    Corso di laurea magistrale a ciclo unico in MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA

    SSD: MED/31

    CFU: 1,00


    Periodo di Erogazione: Primo Semestre


    Lingua di insegnamento



    Approccio clinico e chirurgico al paziente
    affetto da patologia d'interesse Otorinolaringoiatrico e patologia Cervico-Facciale.

    Testi di riferimento

    - Handbook of Otolaryngology: head and neck surgery – First edition- D. Goldenberg et al.
    - Differential diagnosis in otolaryngology: head and neck surgery – First Edition- M.G. Stuart
    - Current Diagnosis and treatment otolaryngology – head and neck surgery - Four edition- A. Lalwani

    Obiettivi formativi

    Al termine del corso lo studente deve comprendere i principali iter diagnostico-terapeutici in ambito otorinolaringoiatrico.


    Aver superato gli esami di Anatomia Umana, Fisiologia, Patologia Generale e Farmacologia.

    Metodologie didattiche

    Lezioni frontali, presentazione di casi clinici, discussione ed interazione su argomenti di otologia, rinologia, laringologia, audiologia e vestibologia.

    Metodi di valutazione

    Esame orale

    Altre informazioni


    Programma del corso

    Anatomia dell’orecchio esterno, medio ed interno. Fiopatologia dell’apparato uditivo. Semeiotica clinica e strumentale dell'apparato uditivo. Patologie traumatiche e malformative. Otiti esterne. Otiti medie acute e croniche e loro esiti. Complicanze delle otomastoiditi. Otosclerosi. Malattia di Meniérè e altre labirintosi. Sordità improvvisa. Sordità infantili. Impianto cocleare. Colesteatoma della rocca. Paraganglioma timpano-giugulare. Patologie del labirinto posteriore: cupulo-canalolitiasi; neuronite vestibolare; neurinoma dell'acustico e altri tumori dell'angolo ponto-cerebellare. Paralisi periferica del nervo facciale.
    Anatomia del naso, dei seni paranasali e del rinofaringe. Semeiotica clinica e strumentale del naso, seni paranasali e rinofaringe. Epistassi. Riniti. Rinosinusiti acute e croniche. Poliposi nasosinusale. Rinofaringiti acute e croniche e loro complicanze. Patologie neoplastiche del naso, seni paranasali e rinofaringe. Adenoiditi.
    Anatomia della faringe (orofaringe ed ipofaringe) e della laringe. Semeiotica clinica e strumentale della faringe, ipofaringe e laringe. Tonsilliti e loro complicanze. Sindrome ostruttiva adenotonsillare. Faringiti e laringiti, acute e croniche. Paralisi laringee. I tumori della laringe. I tumori dell'ipofaringe. Gli svuotamenti latero-cervicali. Tumefazioni del collo. Indicazioni della trachotomia.
    Le algie cranio facciali.
    I corpi estranei in Otorinolaringoiatria.
    Le urgenze in Otorinolaringoiatria.


    Teaching language



    The Course has an oral final examination held by the Professors of the Integrated Course of Sense Organ Disease (G. Colella, R. Conforti, G. Motta, S. Rossi, D. Testa).
    Evaluation of student proficiency is based on an oral test related to all the aspects of the ENT diseases. The student should be able to discuss on the topic and be able to connect and analyze the different subjects.

    Moreover, the student must have a knowledge of the most common concepts of histology, microbiology and physiopathology to connect them with the Otorhinolaryngological Disease.
    In order to test the acquisition of this ability the student will be asked to solve simple clinical oriented problem in the ENT and Audilogical pathologies.
    The final grade is expressed in 30/30 were 18 represents the minimum and 30 the maximum and it is established during the oral exam by the different Professors.

    Textbook and course materials

    - Handbook of Otolaryngology: head and neck surgery – First edition- D. Goldenberg et al.
    - Differential diagnosis in otolaryngology: head and neck surgery – First Edition- M.G. Stuart
    - Current Diagnosis and treatment otolaryngology – head and neck surgery - Four edition- A. Lalwani

    Course objectives

    At the end of the course the student have to know the pathologies of ear, nose and throat field, to apply this knowledge and understanding the main diagnostic and therapeutic skills.


    Have obtained the exams of Uman Anatomy, Physiology, General Pathology, Pharmacology.

    Teaching methods

    Lectures and presentation of clinical cases, discussion and interaction on topics of otology, rhinology, laryngology, audiology and vestibology.

    Evaluation methods

    Oral examination

    Other information


    Course Syllabus

    Anatomy and physiology of the ear (outer, middle and inner ear). Clinical signs and symptoms of ear pathologies. Trauma and malformations of the ear. External otitis. Acute, chronic middle otitisand their complications. Otitis media with effusion. Otomastoiditis. Otosclerosis. Ménière’s disease. Labirinthopaties. Sudden hearing loss. Child deafness. Cochlear implant. Petrous bone cholesteatoma. Tympano jugular paraganglioma. Cupula-canalolithiasis. Vestibular neuronitis. Acoustic neurinoma and other tumors of cerebellopontine angle. Peripheral facial palsy.
    Anatomy of the nose, paranasal sinuses and rhinopharynx. Epistaxis. Rhinitis. Acute and chronic rhinosinusitis. Nasal polyposis. Acute and Chronic rhinopharyngitis. Tumors of the nose, paranasal sinuses and rhinopharynx. Adenoiditis.
    Anatomy of the pharynx and of the larynx. Tonsillitis and their complications. Obstructive apnea syndrome in children. Acute and chronic pharyngitis and laryngitis. Laryngeal palsy. Tumors of the larynx and hypopharynx. Laterocervical limph nodes dissections. Laterocervical mass. Tracheotomy.
    Craniofacial pain.
    External bodies in otolaryngology.
    Emergency in Otolaryngology.

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