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    Marco DE SIO

    Insegnamento di UROLOGY

    Corso di laurea magistrale a ciclo unico in MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA

    SSD: MED/24

    CFU: 1,00


    Periodo di Erogazione: Primo Semestre


    Lingua di insegnamento



    Il corso di Urologia si inserisce nel Corso Integrato di Malattie del Rene e delle Vie Urinarie. Il corso fornisce allo studente gli elementi per conoscere e di comprendere eziologia, patogenesi, sintomatologia, diagnostica e terapia delle principali patologie e sindromi a carattere urologico

    Testi di riferimento

    disponibili in maniera gratuita online: (updated)
    Smith’s General Urology

    Examination will consist of an oral discussion on the main topic of Urology.

    Obiettivi formativi

    Fornire le nozioni fondamentali dell'Urologia Clinica.
    Al termine del Corso lo Studente deve essere in grado di:
    - riconoscere le principali sindromi urologiche (ematuria, LUTS, dolore urologico)
    - comprendere significato, indicazioni e limiti degli esami clinici e strumentali in Urologia
    - diagnosticare i principali tumori urologici, IPB, infezioni delle vie urinarie, calcolosi e le principali malattie andrologiche
    - conoscere le principlai indicazioni alla terapia delle affezioni dell'apparato genito-urinario di pertinenza urologica
    IPB, infezioni delle vie urinarie, calcolosi e le principali malattie andrologiche
    - conoscere le principlai indicazioni alla terapia delle affezioni dell'apparato genito-urinario di pertinenza urologica


    Anatomia, fisiologia, patologia generale

    Metodologie didattiche

    lezioni frontali, discussione casi clinici
    con l’utilizzo di supporti audiovisivi e discussione in aula con gli studenti

    Metodi di valutazione

    Evaluation of student proficiency is based on an oral test (viva voce). The oral exam covers all the aspects of the theory of Urological and Andrological diseases. The student should be able to discuss on the topic and be able to connect and analyze the different subjects.
    Moreover, the student must have a deep knowledge of the most common pathophysiological causes of urological diseases - being able to connect symptoms with diseases. In order to test the acquisition of this ability the student will be asked to solve simple clinical oriented problem, e.g recognize urinary tract obstruction, UTI, tumors, stones, ED etc based on clinical manifestation and imaging. The final grade is expressed in 30/30 were 18 represents the minimum and 30 the maximum

    Altre informazioni

    le diapositive delle lezioni sono disponibili agli studenti

    Programma del corso

    Scopo del corso
    Esame Obiettivo
    Fisiologia della minzione
    Ciclo minzionale
    Anuria e Ritenzione urinaria
    Incontinenza urinaria
    Imaging e test funzionali
    Calcolosi dell’apparato urinario: sintomatologia, diagnosi e terapia
    Patologia prostatica: IPB e cancro della prostata
    Patofisiologia dell’Ostruzione urinaria
    Anamnesi ed esame clinico
    PSA e markers tumorali
    IPB Diagnosi, trattamento medico e chirurgico
    Carcinoma della prostata: screening, diagnosi precoce, biopsia prostatica, stadiazione, Gleason Score, classificazione ISUP, Castration Resistant Prostatic Cancer. Indicazioni a terapia Chirurgica,
    Radioterapica, Medica. Meccanismo d’azione dei famaci per la terapia di deprivazione andrologica.
    Oncologia Urologica:
    Tumori del rene, Tumori della vescica, Tumori del testicolo: Epidemiologia, Anamnesi, Esame Clinico, Stadiazione, Diagnosi e prinicpi di terapia.
    Infertilità maschile, Disfunzione Erettile, Eiaculazione precoce, Varicocele
    Infezioni dell’apparato genito-urinario
    Infezioni delle vie urinarie


    Teaching language



    The lessons of Urology are part of the course of Uropoietic diseases.
    The lessons provide the students the main elements to learn and understand the etiology, pathogenesis, symptoms, diagnosis and therapy of the main syndromes the urinary and of the male genital tract

    Textbook and course materials

    The followings are available free online: (updated)
    Smith’s General Urology

    Examination will consist of an oral discussion on the main topic of Urology.

    Course objectives

    To provide an overview on clinical urology.
    At the end of the course the student should be able:
    - to recognize the main urological syndromes (hematuria, Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms, urological pain);
    - to understand the meaning, indications and limitation of the examinations, imaging and functional tests in Urology;
    - to diagnose the tumors of the urinary tract, BPH, UTI and the main andrological diseases;
    - to prescribe the correct therapy for the genito-urinary tract diseases


    Anatomy, Phisiology, General Pathology

    Teaching methods

    podium lessons, clinical cases discussion
    with the support of audiovisual media

    Evaluation methods

    Evaluation of student proficiency is based on an oral test (viva voce). The oral exam covers all the aspects of the theory of Urological and Andrological diseases. The student should be able to discuss on the topic and be able to connect and analyze the different subjects.
    Moreover, the student must have a deep knowledge of the most common pathophysiological causes of urological diseases - being able to connect symptoms with diseases. In order to test the acquisition of this ability the student will be asked to solve simple clinical oriented problem, e.g recognize urinary tract obstruction, UTI, tumors, stones, ED etc based on clinical manifestation and imaging. The final grade is expressed in 30/30 were 18 represents the minimum and 30 the maximum

    Other information

    The slides of the lessons are available to the students

    Course Syllabus

    1)Introduction and aim of the course, History and Physical examination, Physiology of micturition, micturition cycle, Anuria and Urinary retention, Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS), urinary incontinence, imaging and functional tests. Urinary tract stones: Symptoms, diagnosis

    2)Prostatic diseases: BPH and Prostate Cancer. Urinary Tract obstruction pathophysiology. H and P. Epidemiology. Symptoms. Prostatic Specific Antigen (indications and limitation).
    BPH: diagnosis and medical treatment. Indications to surgery.
    Prostate Cancer: early detection. Diagnosis. Prostate biopsy. Staging. Gleason Score. ISUP classification. Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer (CRPC). Indications to surgery, radiotherapy and medical therapy. Mechanisms of action of androgen deprivation therapy.

    3) Uro-oncology: Renal Cancer, Bladder Cancer, Testis tumors: Epidemiology, H and P. Classification, Staging, Diagnosis, Treatment.

    4) Andrology: Male Infertility, Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Varicocele.

    5) Urinary Tract Infections.
    Urinary tract stones: epidemiology, symptoms and therapy

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