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    Anna CARFORA

    Insegnamento di MEDICINA LEGALE


    SSD: MED/43

    CFU: 1,00


    Periodo di Erogazione: Secondo Semestre


    Lingua di insegnamento



    Lo studente dovrà iniziare l'apprendimento da nozione generali di diritto penale e di medicina legale, onde inquadrare gli specifici argomenti nell'ambito del futuro esercizio professionale.

    Testi di riferimento

    "Medicina legale", Idelson-Gnocchi Editore, Napoli, 2019.

    Obiettivi formativi

    Lo studente dovrà acquisire conoscenza delle principali norme etico-deontologiche e legali alla base di un coretto svolgimento dell’attività professionale, con particolare riferimento agli obblighi nei confronti dell’assistito, dell’amministrazione di appartenenza e dell’autorità giudiziaria. Dovrà inoltre acquisire le conoscenze di base nell’ambito della Medicina Legale, inerenti la psicopatologia forense e le altre problematiche di più frequente riscontro nell’ambito della pratica professionale.


    Conoscenze di base di biologia e di diritto.

    Metodologie didattiche

    Lezioni frontali; eventuale didattica integrativa.

    Metodi di valutazione

    Esame orale, in cui lo studente vedrà vagliata anche la capacità di sintesi, qualità dell’organizzazione del discorso e dell’esposizione.

    Altre informazioni

    Slides del corso eventualmente a disposizione.

    Programma del corso

    - Il dovere della riservatezza ed il segreto professionale;
    - Il dovere di informazione ed il consenso dell’avente diritto;
    -I trattamenti sanitari obbligatori;
    - Obbligo di referto ed omissione di referto;
    - La cartella clinica e la documentazione dell’attività sanitaria;
    - L’Interruzione volontaria della gravidanza;
    - Eutanasia, suicidio assistito, accanimento terapeutico, biotestamento.
    - Accertamento della morte e trapianti d’organo;
    - Responsabilità professionale del sanitario;
    - Il reato in generale; omicidio e suicidio;
    - Percosse e lesioni personali;
    - Traumatologia forense;
    - Lesioni da arma da fuoco;
    - Psicopatologia forense in ambito civilistico e penalistico.


    Teaching language



    The learning goals of this course include the knowledge of: - legal aspects and ethics of the profession, - penal and civil principles of professional responsibility, - professional duties and obligations, - patient safety and clinical risk management, - social medicine and forensic pathology.

    Textbook and course materials

    Silingardi E. Medicina Legale per i corsi di laurea ad orientamento giuridico e triennali. Idelson-Gnocchi, Napoli, 2023.

    Course objectives

    Main goals are to provide: 1) basic elements of ethics and deontology, legal medicine, professional responsibility, useful for the activities related to the legal profession; 2) methodology for the assessment of the causal relationship, 3) to show features of main injuries due to blunt trauma, sharp objects and firearms, 4) principles of social medicine with regard to invalidity and occupational diseases. After attending the lectures, students will understand how to discuss issues of medical ethics, how to assess the death, how to do an external examination of a cadaver differentiating between the main types of deaths (natural and violent) and injuries due to blunt trauma, electricity, firearms, knife or sharp objects.


    In order to attend the course proficiently, the students will need to have a well- established background in Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, as specifically indicated by the course legislation.

    Teaching methods

    Lectures supported by presentation of slides in Power Point. Representative case studies and key topics will be also supported by discussion and critical reading of the most recent reviews in the field.

    Evaluation methods

    oral exams. The verification of the learning mode is mainly via oral examination. The oral exam covers all the aspects of legal medicine and forensic pathology.
    The aim is to judge the knowledge as well as the critical opinion on the topic that the students should develop after the course.
    Moreover, the student must have a deep knowledge of the most common legal and forensic aspects of medical practice.
    In order to test the acquisition of this ability the student will be asked to solve simple legal and forensic oriented problems, e.g recognize cause and manner of injuries based on features and clinical manifestations. The final evaluation is expressed in 30/30 were 18 represents the minimum and 30 the maximum.

    Other information

    Active discussion of the cases presented during the lectures is strongly recommended.

    Course Syllabus

    Legal and deontological aspects and ethics of the profession. Penal and civil principles of professional responsibility. Professional duties and obligations. The Code of Ethics. The professional secret and the privacy. The medical certificate and medical records. Communication to Judicial Authority: reporting a crime. Patient safety and good clinical practice. Adverse events and incident reporting. Clinical risk management.
    Legal Medicine from penal perspective: the causal relationship. Concepts of cause and contributory cause. Responsibility and causes of exclusion. The informed consent and the state of necessity. Crimes against life. Beatings and injuries.
    Legal Medicine from civil perspective: the legal capacity and acting. Interdiction and incapacitation.
    Civil liability. The compensable damage (damage to health and biological damage). Laws of particular interest.
    Social medicine: welfare system and social insurances (INAIL and INPS). Accident at work and occupational diseases. The protection of invalids. Elements of forensic pathology: blunt trauma, asphyxial deaths, electrocution, sharp and firearms injuries. Death Certification. Determination of Cause and Manner of Death- Crime scene and death investigation- Forensic Examination and Autopsy- Post-mortem changes and Time of Death- Personal Identification and Skeletal remains- Sudden death and sudden infant death syndrome- Blunt Trauma and Craniocerebral injuries- Fire arm injuries- Sharp force injuries- Asphyxial deaths and drowning.

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